Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Wizard's Promise by Cassandra Rose Clarke [ARC REVIEW]

TITLE: The Wizard's Promise
(The Hanna Duology #1)

AUTHOR: Cassandra Rose Clarke
PUB DATE: May 6 2014

All Hanna Euli wants is to become a proper witch – but unfortunately, she’s stuck as an apprentice to a grumpy fisherman. When their boat gets caught up in a mysterious storm and blown wildly off course, Hanna finds herself further away from home than she’s ever been before.

As she tries to get back, she learns there may be more to her apprentice master than she realized, especially when a mysterious, beautiful, and very non-human boy begins following her through the ocean, claiming that he needs Hanna’s help.

- Source: Goodreads


Welcome back to the world where a once great tale of a stubborn pirate, Ananna, and her assassin, Naji, came about. An adventure filled with wonders and dangers of a world so vast and breathtaking for two unlikely allies, who eventually turned into star crossed lovers; a story that had fan girls like me swooning and sighing over a simple, sweet ending.

Now, enter this world again to meet a new protagonist, Hanna, a simple apprentice to a secretive said-to-be fisherman. She gets a taste of an adventure she didn’t sign up for, with a mysterious boy trying to help her out, and with danger lurking in air, and eventually… NOTHING HAPPENS.

Wait… – WTF?!

I know. It was kind of annoying to reach the end of the book, and yet I have learned nothing of what was going on other than the basics.

The reason I picked this book up was because I adored Cassandra Rose Clarke’s The Assassin’s Curse and The Pirate’s Wish. Seeing that it was such a lovely story, I thought The Wizard’s Promise would bring about just as an exciting tale as those two. Damn, was I so wrong!

So maybe some would say I’m exaggerating over how uneventful this book was, so let me elaborate. It isn’t that nothing really went on or that the story didn’t flow out, it was just a tedious narrative with nothing IMPORTANT going on. Major parts of the book focused on the mundane life of Hanna, who I find to be such an annoying protagonist. Prepare to watch her fishing and using her magic to cast the winds; being angry at her mentor, and this mysterious non-human boy; complaining and wanting to go home; being furious over being taken away from home when she said she wanted an adventure like Ananna’s; and see the Mist come threaten and put people around her at harms way and eventually leave her alone again until they feel like they want to do it again. Then we go back to fishing! OMG! I get it! She’s a fisherman… err, woman. Whatever. Get on with it already!

After The Assassin’s Curse and The Pirate’s Wish, I expected to see a story just as adventurous, if not more, with The Wizard’s Promise. I didn’t expect to watch a protagonist spend months on the sea and in a foreign territory with one or two disasters happen then eventually end up with nothing. So I don’t think I will be reading the next installment.

* Thank you, Strange Chemistry and Netgalley for granting my request to view The Wizard's Promise.